Monday, May 21, 2007

Ensenada Here We Come!!!

Our time is finally here where 23 of us will travel to Ensenada Mexico and build a house for a young family that is currently homeless. I'm so excited! I've been thinking today that the church is ALWAYS talking about Jesus. Think about this for a moment...Christians are always evangelizing. The question is, what are we saying about Jesus? Is our action speaking about him or our inaction? When our community looks at our church, what are they learning about Jesus? I hope things like Mexico is speaking loudly to people about what we believe. I hope that people are learning to trust Jesus and that he offers a life that can change the world. I hope that this journey to Ensenada will transform people in our team so much that they will radically change the way they live...maybe someone will give their life to ministry or begin to give themselves away to a people or a cause that will speak of the love of Jesus in such a way that many people will become followers of Christ. Who knows what can happen...I believe God is up to something within our church and I'm grateful to be a part of it.

Peace and Love.

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