Sunday, April 29, 2007

Lordship 2

It's Sunday night about 9pm and we're just returning home from visiting a new church that's being planted here in the Bothell area. My wife and I know some of the people who are part of the leadership team there and they've been asking us to come visit for quite awhile now. I have to be honest, I didn't really want to go to church again today but I'm really glad we did. It's a church which focuses on some of the celtic traditions and promotes a very experiential service with prayer stations, communion alters, and confessionals. This isn't the kind of church I could do every week but it was really good for my spirit to have a different worship experience and just slow down and reflect for an hour or so. Upon my reflections I began thinking about this idea of Lordship and what it's really all about. One of the words that came to me was care...Lordship is about caring. Caring for people, creation, our money, our stuff, our health, our time and our talents. Everything God has given to us, everyone God has put into our lives we have a responsibilty to care. So where does Lorship and caring and the church fit into a christ-followers life? Unfortunately I grew up thinking that I really only needed to care for my church and not the church down the road. God has since taught me that there is no one church that's better than the other, big ones, small ones, emerging or traditional, they all belong to Jesus and they all need our care. Tonight I took a moment to care for this church and I sat in silence and prayed that God's blessing would pour out on this body of people. I prayed that God would provide for them and protect the leadership as they work so hard to build a church. Now I sit here and I think about my church, and I ponder how to care more for it. I'm thinking about how I need to surrender my leadership of it to God even more than I have and trust him...I'm thinking of how there are hurting people who I need to pray for more often...I'm thinking of the community our church exist in and how we can love them. If you are on this journey of truly making Jesus the Lord of your life, will you join me in praying for your church? Maybe you're reading this and we go to the same church...will you please pray for God's blesisng on it? What can you do to care for your church? That's a big question...but then again, whenever we're talking about Lordship, we're talking about something big.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Lordship 1

Did you happen to catch that last Saturday was Earth Day? If you missed it you must live in a cave with no access to any form of media or human contact. Earth Day has never been talked about more than this year. Maybe we have Al Gore to thank, or maybe the media had nothing else to talk about, or maybe it's because God is trying to get our attention. We know the media has plenty to talk about and while Al Gore is doing some great things with his work to bring awareness to Global Warming, I think we need to look seriously at the thought of what God maybe trying to say here. Have you looked at some of the changes and problems our climate is facing? Do they bother you? Is it another ploy by media to cause fear in the mind of americans? Is this crisis something left for the liberals to care about? Do you think God cares about any of this? While I can't say that I am the the best at recycling or saving water, I can say that my attention has been caught to the realities of what is happening in our world and I'm left wondering what Lordship and global care have to do with me. As a church we've been talking about Lordship and the various things like money, family and time that God has given to us to care for. It's true that our stuff is a gift from God and that we must be very careful in how we use it and value it. The same goes with our relationships and the time we have here to live. But what about the earth? Could there be a greater gift than the world in which we live and breathe? For many, many years the western church has promoted a gospel that saves us from living in this world, so go ahead and live how you like because Heaven awaits. Times are changing now as christians are seeing that our salvation is a rescue. It's a rescue from one way of living and an entering into a new, Jesus way of living. This new life he gives us means we have divine resposibilites to care for this world and God's creation. Now, how far you want to take that is really up to you. Does it mean christ followers no longer drive SUV's? Do we transfer our home energy to solar power? Do we dedicate time and money to different global causes? Do you simply brush your teeth without using water? I don't know how much God wants from us, but I do know that God wants his people and church to be aware that there is a problem with his creation and he wants us to be open to him and how he would want to use each of us to protect what he has created for us to enjoy. Caring for our earth isn't a liberal thing, and it's not a hippie's a love thing. May we learn more and more to love God by loving others and the world in which these "others" live in!

Peace and Love.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Questions Keep Comin'

This has been one of those weeks where I just can't keep silent about some of the problems we're facing here in America. Like so many, I am deeply saddened by all that took place Monday morning on the campus of Virginia Tech...but I have to be honest that each and every time these tragedies take place I become increasingly angry toward our country's leadership and their inability to bring change to our gun laws. We are a so-called christian nation founded on christian principles and we're so far from understanding peace and what Jesus would think about the freedom we have with arms. I simply can't understand why some states still have such easy access to guns and weapons. What is it going to take for these lawmakers to see that something has to change? I know I'm in the minority here with my thoughts on guns and peace but I really don't care. I've spent many an hour thinking about peace and what Jesus had to say about it and I'm convinced that we can't keep going on like this. And speaking of not being able to keep going I got a call from a friend in Tacoma who told me that a girl who was in my youth group and lived next door to our family before we moved lost her fiance today in Iraq. My heart is crushed for her as she also lost her brother to cancer recently. Whether it's 9mm hand guns on the streets of America or the big guns in a desert somewhere in the middle-east, it all needs to stop! It's becoming increasingly difficult to make sense of any of all sucks and I just pray that God will be merciful to us as a nation for using his name to justify our war and for passing weak gun laws in a christian nation that influence the hurt and killing innocent people.

Love and Peace.


Friday, April 6, 2007

Am I Cool Enough?

The other day I was headed south on I-5 to Tacoma when I drove up next to a Hummer H3 all decked out with fancy decals and lettering across most of the car. At first I couldn't figure out what the heck it was all about, but soon I noticed that it was a government owned H3 advertising the US Marines. It wasn't but one day later that I again was on the freeway when I saw a van with the same sort of artwork all over the vehicle...this time the ad wasn't for a branch of our military, it was for a church! A wave of thoughts and questions soon flooded my mind and still rattle inside me today. What made the Marines feel like they had to become cool by driving around in some pipmed out H3? It seems to me that the Marines have never had to portray being cool to anyone. They're the Marines! Are today's teenage boys and girls so wrapped up into image that even the most bad-ass soldiers in the world have to play the cool game? Since when did churches feel they have to spend money to pimp their vans? Does it really make others' who are driving down the road think..."Oooh, what a cool van, I think I'll go there this Sunday."? Why do we as church leaders have to be put out a cool product? I understand relavence and it's importance in today's culture but I think there's a fine line between being relevant and being cool. I think Jesus was, and still is today the most relevant person this world has ever seen. He lived to engage with his culture the message of God and that there is hope and freedom to be all this was he striving to be cool? I certainly hope not. I also hope I as a pastor can lead a relevant church and not worry so much about being cool. I'll keep you updated as to how I am doing with this one...

Peace and Love,

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Things I've been thinking about lately...

Thoughts about how our church is growing is consuming my mind! It's been so exciting, yet I still see how much there is to do to continue to reach our potential. It's stressful at times but I know God is working through us to reach people which does bring peace in the times of stress.

Easter is coming this Sunday and I'm hoping that people will respond to my challenge of praying and inviting.

The Mariners began their season yesterday with an exciting win. I watched baseball all day's kind of my one day of the year to sit in front of the TV and do nothing.

I walked out of the house wearing shorts today and I wonder what I was's freezing outside!

Both my boys have birthdays in the next month or so...Cade turns 3 and Mason 1. Time is flying, which makes me ponder my life and the legacy I want to leave. Do I want to be remembered as a great pastor or father? Can I do both? I struggle with this one...

I've been thinking about just how good God has been to me and the ways in which he's provided for my family during this year of's amazing!